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Magic Valley transportation

LINC makes transportation services available through a voucher-based program in the following counties: Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls counties. This program serves seniors over the age of 60 and individuals with disabilities. The program provides affordable and accessible on-demand transportation.


Program Brochure: (English | Spanish)



In order to qualify for the program, you must complete an application and provide ID verification of age, or signed documentation from a licensed professional regarding your disability diagnosis.


How It Works

Once your application is processed and approved, we will mail you a LINC Transportation Card. This card looks and operates similar to a debit or credit card. Do not lose or throw this card away. If you lose your card, there may be a replacement fee. On the first of each month, we will add funds to your card (usually $100-$200 based on available funding.) If you do not use all of your funds by the end of the month, your remaining balance will not be carried over, but your card will be reloaded to the monthly amount. This card can be used like cash with approved transportation providers (see below.) You can use as much of your available funds as you would like for each trip. It is up to you how to manage your funds each month. Transportation providers can provide you with a card balance, or you can check your balance online at:


Application Material

If you are eligible and need transportation services in the counties listed above, please complete and return the following application material:


​Transportation Application (English | Spanish)​


Return Application Materials to LINC by Either:


If you have any questions or need assistance completing application, please call (208) 336-3335 or email


Approved Transportation Providers

The following are the approved transportation providers who will accept LINC Transportation Cards:


​Eagle One

(208) 404-3851

(Only transportation provider available on Saturday by appointment)


Salt Lake Express​

(208) 901-8668


Snake River Yellow Cab

(208) 736-8294


Twin Falls Transit

(208) 974-7433

RIDE TFT Program Information: [English | Spanish]


​If you are a transportation provider, or you use a transportation provider who is interested in contracting with LINC to accept LINC Transportation Cards, please contact LINC's IL Director. A copy of the Request for Qualifications can be found here.


Rider's Guide

  • Please call at least 24 hours in advance to schedule your ride.

  • Be ready to provide your LINC Transportation Card to your driver.

  • Your LINC Transportation Card can be used to pay for part or all your ride (depending on your card's available funds.)

  • Protect your LINC Transportation Card like it is cash. Replacements are time consuming and may result in a replacement fee.

  • If your card is lost or stolen, or if you move or change your phone number, please contact LINC immediately.


Other Transportation Resources

You may be eligible for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation through Medicaid. If you are, certain rides, like medical appointments, could be paid for. This means you can save your LINC Transportation Card funds for trips to the store or community events. To learn more about NEMT, contact our Transportation Coordinator.


Title VI Americans with Disabilities Act

LINC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Furthermore, LINC will not discriminate against persons with disabilities as required under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe you have been discriminated against under Title VI and/or the ADA, you have the right to file a complaint.


To submit a Title VI or ADA complaint:

Complaint Process (English | Spanish)

Printable Complaint Form (English | Spanish)

Online Complaint Form (English | Spanish)


Program Feedback

Consumer feedback is important to us. We use this feedback to improve our services. If you had a poor experience with our transportation program or a specific transportation provider, we would like to know. If you have ideas on how to improve transportation services, that is important too. Whether your feedback is good or bad, please provide it using the online form linked below. If you have a complaint related to Title VI or the ADA, please use the complaint forms and process located above.


LINC Transportation General Feedback Form (EnglishSpanish)


Program Supporters

This program is possible because of support from the Idaho Transportation DepartmentCity of Twin Falls, and the St. Luke's Magic Valley Health Foundation.

Idaho Department of Transportation Logo
City of Twin Falls Logo
St. Luke's Logo
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